With the digital age coming at us like a tsunami, well its already here, its difficult not to be overwhelmed by what to do about whether to get your students to hand write or type responses. Just recently, I had this discussion with a colleague and it got me thinking. Here are some things to consider when teachers are faced with how to get their students writing their responses by hand with so much tech about. Every teacher and every class will have their own unique situation, so these are just suggetions.
For us in NSW, the HSC is going to be with us for quite some time in its present format and that means, although responses may be marked on screen, the way students produce their written response at least, will be by hand. The Chinese Beginners, Continuers, Extension, Heritage and Background examinations all require students to write various text types within a limited time frame. Students will need to work out with their teachers, the best strategies to deal with each exam element. One of the things you can do beforehand, to give your students the best chance of succeeding in these exams, is to prepare them early. In regards to handwriting, which require three responses totaling 30%, students need to be efficient and writing fit. What I mean by writing fit is that students need to be able to hand write quickly and effectively and have the stamina to finish their responses within the time frame and importantly reach the required word limits. How many times have you seen your students shake their hand after half an hour of writing? Is a sign their hands are fatiguing?
There is data out there indicating that the thought processes involved with writing by hand is different to the thought processes used for typing, you can read the article and make your own conclusions on that. But for HSC teachers, I don't think having their students ONLY typing their responses on the tablet or computer and rarely hand writing is the best preparation for the exam. Will your students be writing fit?
Chinese writing and calligraphy is such a beautiful thing, it would be a shame if our students and us as teachers, were to abandon the pen and brush totally for the keyboard. Even if you think that digital responses are going to be inevitably typed some time in the future, then, the fact is for the foreseeable future at least, hand writing will be required for HSC responses. Here are some tips on how you can help your students to be writing fit.
Here is a link to another article by Ephrat Livni, Keyboards are overrated, adding her thoughts and research to the debate of hand writing versus technology.
Blending tech with hand writing
When setting writing activities, and if you and the students have to use your device to type responses, try to blend technology with hand writing. Here are my suggestions.Method 1. Drafting with tech, producing by hand
- Students draft out the response on the tablet or laptop.
- Teacher corrects the response online or digitally eg Word review.
- Student re-drafts corrected response.
- Student re-writes corrected draft by hand (1 - 2 times, or best, memorize it)
Method 2. Drafting by tech, producing by tech (+ hand writing)
You could do use this method and keep totally to a device, but I would suggest hand writing on paper in there somewhere. I suggest using the Metamoji Notes app for this one.
- Use Chinese writing paper or any lined paper in
- Notes. I have a sample writing booklet I used with my students to practice their hand writing.
- Get a decent stylus, but if students have forgotten them, use the trusty finger pen!
- Student drafts response in writing booklet in Notes app.
- Student sends response to teacher for correction. Notes allows single or several pages to be sent via email or other methods.
- Teacher corrects and returns corrected draft.
How to blend hand writing and tech using Metamoji Notes
Feel free to download the Sample writing booklet PDF that I created and a sample of one of my students ebooks.
Another other great app that will help students keep writing fit is Skritter. Here are a couple of intro videos I made on how to use it. Skritter is available at the Apps Store and for Androids.
Why we need to keep practicing handwriting and so do our students!
As mentioned above, we need technology for many reasons, but we also need to maintain the practice of handwriting. Besides preparing students for handwritten assessments, it has been proven by Princeton University and the University of California, that handwriting does have benefits for developing thinking strategies, better memory retention and also motor skills. For more detail on this discussion check out the Wall St Journal's article.
Progress, Lists, Settings and Help
Writing, Reading, Pinyin, Meaning Functions and Lists
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