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Monday, 17 February 2014

Teaching and Blending tech @ High School

I have been teaching for 32 years now and love blending my teaching and learning ideas with technology. I've been teaching in state and independent schools and have learnt much during my times in both systems. 

Teaching is such an exciting, innovative and community centered career and we can learn so much from each other. 

This blog is mainly my interest in how tech can be integrated with teaching and learning. Although I am a Chinese language teacher, I have learnt so much from teachers from all subject areas and here I am very happy to share my ideas with other teachers. 

Would you like to connect? You can find me on twitter @Teacher_KenW  or WeChat ID: Narralakes

Just added this global hit map!


Narralakes Chinese language resources and  HSC Year 11 - 12 blog spot
There are also audio and activities on iTunesU, to obtain the access code contact me at